Healthcare Assistance

EDUCatt offers the students at Università Cattolica in Milan, Brescia, Piacenza and Rome a Health Care service, with general practitioners and specialist doctors, to which all regularly enrolled students and, depending on the location, also teaching and technical-administrative staff and collaborators can have access.

The locations where the service is active are:

Where: on Campus at the Dominicanum building on the first floor.
What is offered: general medical examinations free of charge, with free access on the following days: Mondays to Fridays from 9 am to 4.45 pm. specialist dermatological examinations andnutritional assessments, by appointment at a controlled price. For information and bookings, please contact the Health Centre directly on 02 7234.2217.

Where: at EDUCatt headquarters in via Tosio 1 fourth floor.
What is offered: free general medical examinations by appointment. For information and appointments, call 02 7217.2604.

Where: at Collegio S. Isidoro, first floor.
What is offered: general medical examinations free of charge, with free access on the following days: Mondays from 11 am to 12 noon, Wednesdays from 3 to 4 pm, Thursdays from 11 am to 12 noon.

Where: at Collegio Nuovo Joanneum, first floor.
What is offered: general medical examinations free of charge at the following times: Tuesdays from 2.30 to 4.30 pm. nutritional examinations by appointment at a controlled price. For information and bookings, please contact the Health Centre directly on 06 30.50.120

For more information on the service, please contact the EDUCatt reference office directly.

“Health at the Centre”

In the Residences in Milan Campus, the experimental health care project La salute al centro (“Health at the Centre”) is active to support the needs of students who live the Residence experience; it is a dedicated nursing support to deal with doubts and respond to needs in a comfortable and safe environment, directly in one’s own facility.

The service is provided by qualified medical personnel as needed, with the support of EDUCatt contact people within the facilities.

The initiative, which is started out on an experimental basis on the Milan campus, initially has involved the guests in Augustinianum, Ludovicianum, Marianum, Paolo VI and Buonarroti residences.

Operating hours and service modalities can be consulted at the concierge’s desk in each residence.

Health Care Contacts

Psychological counselling

EDUCatt offers the students of Università Cattolica at the Milan, Brescia, Piacenza, and Rome campuses a Psychological Counselling service. The psychotherapists involved in our services provide support to students in understanding and addressing their personal, family, and academic issues. The primary goal of the counselling work is to assist students in understanding their problems. In some cases, the student may independently find the most appropriate and feasible solution at that time. In other instances, a longer and more structured treatment may be required; our psychotherapists offer guidance for potential access to public and private organizations in the area.

The service includes:

  • First free orientation session for all applicants; however, students are advised not to schedule it if they are certain they cannot start the counselling (e.g., upcoming departure for study abroad, imminent withdrawal from studies, transfer to other universities, etc.);
  • In-person sessions are held at a designated office next to the Health Center (Dominicanum Building, 1st floor, L. go Gemelli Main Campus). Online consultations are exceptionally available for students who are unable to attend in person due to certified illness, disability, or other serious impediments;
  • The counselling consists of up to 10 sessions, typically held weekly, on the day of the week when the therapist assigned to the student is available;
  • The cost per session is €50 (a reduced rate compared to private services). Additionally, for students with a current ISEE certification for the right to study of less than or equal to €26,306.25: 5 free sessions and the option to request 5 more sessions at a reduced cost of €30 each;
  • Confidentiality of the content and personal data is guaranteed as outlined in the specific privacy policy.

To schedule an appointment, send an email to the address of your campus.

Psychological counselling coordinator for all campuses: Dr Marco Farina


Contacts Psychological counselling

Health conventions

Agreements with external health facilities

It is possible to take advantage of healthcare services at discounted prices in affiliated external facilities.

Here below the list of affiliated facilities in Milan, Brescia and Piacenza.


  • Istituto Auxologico Italiano: via Ariosto 13 Milan, No. 02 619112500, When booking, students must indicate that they benefit from the agreement called FAI EDUCattUniversità Cattolica Studenti. On the day of the appointment, they must show their university badge, identity document and tax code.
  • Cooperativa sociale A.LA.T.HA: Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy Centre, No. 02 42257213. Dental Practice, No. 02 42257216, via Savona 37 Milan, (dental and physiotherapy services only).


  • Fondazione Poliambulanza: via Bissolati 57 Brescia CUP Single Reservation Centre No. 030 3514040,


  • Sports Medicine Practice: Dr. Giovanni Arata, via I Maggio 87, 29121 Piacenza, No. 3339590909


Certificates for competitive and non-competitive physical activity

Prices are subject to change; to stay up to date please contact the facility directly.

  • Certificate for non-competitive activities: 40€ (when booking, show your badge and say you benefit from the “FAI EDUCatt students” convention; 45€ UCSC employees (when booking, show your badge and pay directly at the facility)
  • Certificate for competitive activities: 110€
  • Certificate for non-competitive activities: 55€ – 65€
  • Certificate for non-competitive activities: 25€ (when booking, show your university badge)
  • Certificate for competitive activities: 30€ (when booking, show your university badge)
  • Certificate for non-competitive activities: 35€ (when booking, show your university badge)
  • Certificate for non-competitive activities: 35€
  • Certificate for competitive activities: 40€ (students up to 40 years of age)
  • Certificate for non-competitive activities: 30€ + 22% VAT (when booking, show your university badge)
  • Certificate for competitive activities: 35€ + 22% VAT (when booking, show your university badge)
  • Certificate for non-competitive activities: 40€ (when booking, show your university badge)
  • Certificate for competitive activities: 50€ (when booking, show your university badge)
  • Certificate for non-competitive activities: 40€ (when booking, show your university badge)
  • Certificate for competitive activities: 50€ up to 18 years of age, 60€ from 19 to 35 years of age (when booking, show your university badge)
  • Certificate for non-competitive activities: 50€
  • Certificate for competitive activities: 76€